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Interior Design

Care instructions for Cabinets, Tables and Accessories

The appearance of your piece of furniture depends not only on its design but also on its various elements being kept in good condition.
Watch out for scratches! Although our manufacturers are at the forefront of research into resistance to such things, surfaces may still be irreversibly damaged by rubbing with materials which are harder than they are (e.g. metal, porcelain). Read More


Admittedly, some of these ideas of interior design trends in 2014, are not ‘fresh’ in the literal sense of the word, some are…

1. Merging indoors & out – the end of the distinction between indoors and out
“To be in and feel out. I believe that to be a key issue in understanding the interior design, it means to create. During periods of increased environmental awareness and of course the desire to be close to nature.”
Daylight, Night-lighting textures, wide open into nature. Complete by blurring the boundaries between inside and outside, we can create a strong connection with nature, unreality surrounding urban and diving infinite space. Read More

Guide to Small Living Room Spaces

Small living room spaces may have you feeling discouraged. It might make you feel claustrophobic or you may even be considering a new home or apartment for more storage space. While this might be the dream it might not always be practical. A small space may just be the reality of where you can live with your current budget. There are ways to make your existing room function in the way that you need it to without spending a lot of money. Just follow a few of these solutions for small living room spaces to get the appearance and function of a much larger room. Read More

Feng Shui and Interior Design

Most of the information that is available concerning Feng Shui is highly over-simplified. It often comes in the form of out-of-context eastern principals, mixed in with basic interior design horse sense from the west, to form a hybrid which many professional Read More

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